Monday, July 8, 2024

Learn How to Care for Yourself In Order to Care for Others with Tom Daly...

>>Click HERE to link to Compassionate Care ALS for Additional Info>>

CCALS Cultivating Compassion Education Series: Recorded on April 14, 2024.

Join us for an inspirational talk and experience of viewing self-care through the lens of 4 Essential Gateways to Wisdom. Tom shares his personal journey as a caregiver, and how he uses the 4 Gateways Coaching model to deepen his own self-care and to support our ALS clients and caregivers on their uniquely different journeys. He shares the essence of the model and invites participants to experience the process themselves through guided meditation. Whether you are living with ALS, a caregiver, a friend, or a family member, you will have the opportunity to address a personal issue related to self-care, accessing your own innate wisdom. About the Speaker | Tom Daly, PhD, is co-founder of the Living Arts Foundation with his wife Jude Blitz. He is the founder of 4 Gateways Coaching and the creator of the Radical Soul-Care Training Program. Tom is a teacher, mentor, life coach, and a nationally respected elder in men’s soul work. He has worked with CCALS for many years as a coach for both caregivers and those living with ALS. Tom and CCALS Founder, Ron Hoffman, met 22 years ago. Tom became an important part of Ron’s life, a dear friend, mentor, and colleague. He is perhaps best known for his ability to create safe spaces for deep inner soul work.

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