Monday, July 29, 2024

CyberSecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency ( | America's Cyber Defense Agency | Four Easy Ways to Stay Safe Online

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>>Click HERE for Larger Image or Printable Version of Four Easy Ways to Stay Safe Online >>

>>Click HERE for Larger Image or Printable Version of Recognize & Report Phishing >>

>>Click HERE for Larger Image or Printable Version of Use Strong Passwords >>

>>Click HERE for Larger Image or Printable Version of Multifactor Authentication >>

Four Easy Ways to Stay Safe Online

Online criminals look for easy targets, like people who don’t take basic precautions. If we take the following four steps, we won’t be as vulnerable to their deceptive tactics. It will be much harder to scam us or steal our information. Let’s start now.

decorative photo of two people on a computer

Recognize & Report Phishing

Phishing often tries to get us to open a harmful attachment or share personal information. Learn what to look for to avoid the "phish hook." 

decorative photo of people using a tablet

Use Strong Passwords

Using strong passwords and a password manager are some easy ways to protect ourselves from someone logging into an account and stealing data or money.

decorative photo of a person using the phone

Turn on MFA

Multifactor authentication means using more than a password to access an app or account. With MFA, we might be asked to enter a text code or use a fingerprint. It makes us much safer from someone accessing our accounts.

decorative photo of a father and daughter looking at a tablet

Update Software

Don't delay software updates. Flaws in software can give criminals access to files or accounts. Programmers fix these flaws as soon as they can, but we must install updates for the latest protection!

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